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The Secret to Massive Growth in Your Business

Posted inBuild, Grow

Your mind is a powerful tool. Having a strong mindset is key for achieving the life and business success you want. 

We all have dreams. Whether we choose to allow ourself to see what’s possible for our life, or we hold ourselves back, play small, and live inside of our comfort zone… there’s one thing that can determine how the rest of your life will unfold.

And that is your mindset and perspective. 

Today I’m talking all about choosing possibilities over limitations, and how choosing to operate from a place of possibilities rather than your circumstances is going to completely change your life for the better. Get ready for some major mindset work and WOO to help you overcome ANY obstacle standing between you AND the future reality where you are living your dream life!

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post or read on…}

We’re going to have a mini ‘story time with Tara’ moment here because I want to tell you about a time in my life when a shift to my mindset was a definite must.

As you may know, I am the founder of The Lashpreneur Society, which is a group business coaching program. I built it from the ground up. It’s my baby…sort of. But that’s how I feel about it. It means everything to me. However, this time last year, things weren’t looking so great. My program was on the rocks. It cost me more money to run it than I was making from it.

I didn’t know what to do at first, but I knew I didn’t want to give up on it. The program that I worked tirelessly to build was incredibly valuable. Plus, the few members that I did have were experiencing massive shifts in their businesses. I knew I had to do something to keep it afloat. I had people counting on me.

I came across a guy who spoke at a marketing conference.

His words, energy, enthusiasm, and passion for business drew me in like a moth to a flame.

I fell in love with his teaching style and approach to online business. He offered a $3,000 online coaching program, and I desperately wanted to sign-up for it. Of course, I didn’t have that kind of money to spare. But, I did have three to four months left to save for it until the program became available for new members once again.

But to complicate things even further, I saw a different program all about running successful membership sites. I knew right away that THIS was the course for me. The only problem was that I couldn’t afford it and I still wanted to take the first course too.

I was at a mental crossroads. I had some money saved up for the first course, but the membership course still pulled at my heartstrings. I knew I had to do both courses if I wanted to be successful.

I sought advice from my mentor, thinking he would tell me to choose his course instead and forget about the membership course. But he didn’t. Instead, he told me something that I’ll never forget.

“You’re operating from your circumstances and not your possibilities. How do you create from your possibilities?”

I’ll admit, my initial reaction was what on earth is he talking about? But, the more I thought about it, the more it reminded me of some type of riddle, and it was up to me to solve it.

Now, I’m not one for puzzles. So, don’t judge me when I tell you it took me several days to grasp the heart of his response. But when I did, everything that was blocking me from getting what I wanted came into view and the solutions to overcome those problems were suddenly screaming at me.

I realized I could do both courses. The outcome of the first course would pay for the second. And, it worked. It worked because I chose to stop looking at my financial limitations and started looking at the possibilities instead.

1. Will you fight for your limitations, or your possibilities

You need to decide whether you want to use your limitations as an excuse to stay right where you are, forever. Or, you can embrace your inner warrior lash goddess and fight for the possibilities of what could be. 

An excuse I hear a lot from lashpreneurs who are struggling to keep their business afloat is the classic;

“I don’t have enough time” or “I don’t have enough money.”

I get it. Time is precious, and money is scarce, especially if you’re just starting and don’t have many lash clients to support the business. But what you need to understand is that there’s always going to be a reason not to do something. There’s never a perfect time to start a business. There’s never enough money. Never enough time. So what? Does that mean you have to sacrifice your dreams? No, of course not!

If you want to fight for your limitations, then good for you. You can stay right where you are and never move forward. But, if you’re willing to fight for your possibilities and stop letting yourself be held back by money or time constraints and so on, you’ll achieve great things.

Instead of standing and looking up at your tower of circumstances that threaten to stop you from achieving what you want, break that tower down. It’s not made out of concrete. It’s not made from the same metal used to craft Captain America’s shield.

Think about your tower of doubts like a game of Jenga.

All it takes for everything to come crashing down is to remove one brick. That one brick could be your lifeline. Your solution to make more money when you need it. To give you back the time you need to finally start focusing on growing your business. Find that one brick solution, and all of your limitations will come crashing down.

Start living a life of possibilities where the sky is the limit. I promise you, once you get a taste of making the possibilities your reality, nothing will hold you back again. You’ll be fiercely unstoppable!

2. Real Talk Time: Let’s bring it back to your lash business

It’s time for some real talk.

How can you afford to do anything in your business without learning how to do it first?

When you decided to take up lashing, you didn’t just miraculously wake up one morning with all the lash knowledge automatically locked into your brain (but wouldn’t that be awesome?). Instead, you took a lash training course. You practiced a lot. You got better at it and honed your lashing skills until you were good enough to get paid to do people’s lashes.

Now that you’ve decided to run a lash business, it works in the same way. You won’t learn everything you need to know about launching and maintaining a successful business overnight.

You’ve got to put the work in.

You’ve got to learn how to run a lash business by taking training courses, joining membership programs and working on your skills as a business owner.

Here’s the truth – none of us know how to run a business until somebody else teaches us. There’s no cookie cutter approach to learning how to build a business. If you plan on making a living as the last artist and as a business owner, you’ve got to figure out how to get people to come in and pay you.

And, the only way to do that is to take control of your life and your business. Put yourself in the driver seat, put your seatbelt on and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

 Sign up for my FREE Five Day Challenge  

If you’re serious about growing your lash business and you want my help, I invite you to join me in my FREE 5 Day Challenge for beauty business professionals that will help you master the business side of beauty! >>>

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur