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THIS is How to Create a Goal Worth Working Towards!

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

On today’s episode, I share the thoughts, beliefs and actions that get in the way of most business owners when it comes to goal planning. 

Goal planning and resolutions are usually junk. People rarely achieve what they set out to do because they set themselves up for failure. It’s not the big dreams and goals aren’t possible for them – it’s usually a few key steps to achieving those goals that they’ve skipped over.

The missteps in goal planning that I see Lashpreneurs making regularly are:

1 – They don’t allow themselves to dream big enough and they let their current circumstances decide what’s possible for them to achieve.

2 – They’re not specific about their goals. They say things like “I want a successful business” or “I want to feel confident about my business” or “I want to be fully booked” – but what does any of that even mean? How do you know when you’re successful, confident, or fully booked if you haven’t defined it? It’s too vague – and will not keep you motivated when you’re in the growth phase of reaching this goal.

3 – The biggest misstep in goal planning is getting vulnerably connected to WHY that goal is important to you. Understanding the CORE of why you want what you want really helps you to commit to that goal happening whether it’s easy or hard. You connect with the reward of what this goal will give you and I can tell ya right now – money is not the why. Money is the tool to get you to the why – but money is not the why. So keep diving deeper into your why beyond just money to really get clear on the motivation to achieve this goal.

4 – Lastly – work on that step by step plan to take you from your current reality to your kick ass goal. This is where you’ve got to get a clear strategy in place on how you’re going to reach that goal cause it ain’t going to happen just because you wished for it. You’re going to need to learn, evolve and grow into the version of you that has that goal – and that’s where most people end up defeated, overwhelmed, and stuck. A lack of understanding the how to.

This is where looking to those who have accomplished what you want, to be inspired by those who have achieved your goal, and to becoming a student of achieving your goal will help you to reach your goals faster. 

Here’s some highlights from this week’s episode:

  • Getting out of fear helps you to make exciting goals
  • Your beliefs, thoughts, and actions creates your reality
  • Having specific goals will keep you motivated to see your vision into reality
  • The importance of clarity
  • Working backwards will help you to create strategies in achieving your goals

If your goal in 2022 is to master the business side of beauty and build out an in demand and fully booked business – we’ve got the steps, the strategy and the motivation for you inside of the Lashpreneur Society! If you’d like to learn more about this program and when we’ll be opening the doors again – get on our waitlist here: