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Lash business, Eyelash Extension Business

Top 3 Goal Planning Tips for Creating a BREAKTHROUGH Year

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

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Every massively successful business I know of does some form of goal planning for their year. In fact, most people attempt to do this at the start of any new life shift or new year. Call it goals. Call it resolutions. Call it intentions. Call it field dreams. Whatever you want to call it, having a roadmap to accomplish your goals is a sure fire way to achieve whatever you define as success MUCH faster and easier than keeping those dreams locked up in your brain waiting for “someday” to arrive.

I relish when I get to goal plan not only because it forces me to get clear on the direction I’m taking my business instead of flailing around like a fish out of water (I’m sure you know nothing about that?!?), but it also gets me excited that even some of my biggest goals aren’t impossible to achieve once I’ve broken down the steps to get there into small, bite-sized pieces.

In this blog, I’m going to teach you my top goal planning tips for taking those goals and dreams in your head, putting pen to paper to plan it out, then actually be intentional and schedule out the steps to help you create a BREAKTHROUGH year in your eyelash extension business.

Goal Planning Tip #1: The Brain Dump 

Take an hour to write down all of the ideas, desires, goals, dreams and visions you have for yourself and your lash business. Don’t edit or filter them out, just let your imagination run wild with the possibilities of what could be if time, money, or any other resource was readily available to you. Push yourself to put down ideas that you may not quite feel 100% certain you can accomplish or that scare you a little. Goals that push you outside of your comfort zone are where the real BREAKTHROUGH years happen.

Define what a BREAKTHROUGH year would look like to you.

Goal Planning Tip #2: Plan It Out

This is where you start to organize and evaluate your brain dump session. Narrow down the top goals for this upcoming year (or whatever time frame you’re sorting out). I typically goal plan for a 6-month chunk of time. It’s enough to really let me flush out my ideas and get some goals accomplished without overwhelming me. Plus, so much can change in 6 months in our industry (um hi Facebook and Instagram algorithm and changes every other week!) that I want to leave planning for the second half of the year to a little later down the road when it’s closer. (pic of a checklist or to do list)

Once you’ve narrowed down your top goals, do another brain dump of all the steps you would need to take to reach that goal. If it’s a financial goal, break it down by month or by week or even day. If it’s a project or new service you’ve been dying to offer, give yourself a deadline and work backwards from that deadline of what needs to happen between now and then for you to move towards accomplishing it. The process of having a goal, breaking it down into “bite sized” steps and working backwards to plan out those steps to reach your goal is called Reverse Engineering.

Goal Planning Tip #3: Map It Out

This is a step that is often overlooked or missed altogether but it is the most necessary step to actually ACCOMPLISH what you set out to do. No more “somedays”, you’ll know exactly when you’ll meet your goal because it will be a date on your calendar! Get a big dry erase calendar that you can write on (I like this wall calendar from Amazon) and some dry erase pens to start putting your steps down on a calendar.

You’ll want to block out special holidays or events, vacations and days off you want to take in advance. You can then start to put pen to paper and map out what of the steps to your goal happens when. You can also put in time specific promotions on the calendar to make sure you don’t forget to launch that Valentine’s Day Facebook Ad two weeks before the actual day.

Be sure to make note on your calendar and set a reminder to do this again in 5 months so you can plan out the remainder of your year to stay focused and moving forward.


Being intentional in planning out exactly how you’ll reach your goals makes them totally possible and not nearly as overwhelming as you previously thought. This is how successful business are built, grown and maintained.

Lash business, Eyelash Extension Business
I hope you’ve found value in my top tips for goal planning. I get into the details and show examples of how I goal plan in business inside our group coaching program. Learn more about what’s inside our BRAND NEW membership site as well as the private Facebook Community here:

Have a Good One,

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur


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