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Top 5 Tips to Get New Lash Clients When You're Starting From Scratch

Top 5 Tips to Get New Lash Clients When You’re Starting From Scratch

Posted inBuild, Start

Starting from scratch is brave, but it isn’t easy. For a new lash business owner, finding clients is a top priority. It can be incredibly difficult to grow your business in a sustainable way, especially in the beginning when you have a grand total of ZERO clients.

If you’re taking your first step as a lashpreneur and you’re already grounded in your city, you’re going to find this process a lot easier. When you’ve got a base of core relationships established, you’re able to capitalize on those relationships.

But, if you’ve moved to a new area and removed yourself from any support system (such as friends or family), you might have to work a little harder to reel in your first customer.

Thankfully, you won’t have to work too hard because I’m going to share my top 5 tips on getting new lash clients when you’re starting from scratch.

Whether you’re just starting out on your own or you had to pick up and move your business to a new town or city, the following tips will help you get some necessary traction in your business!

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}

1. Start Getting Services Yourself

If you’re new to a city and don’t know anyone, you’ve got to get out there and start meeting people. A great way to do this is by getting services for yourself. Book a hair appointment, get your nails done, have a spray tan and get yourself in front of other service providers in the area.

Sometimes, you’ve got to be the customer before you can build a customer base.

But you’re not going to be just like every other customer that walks through the door. Oh no, you’re going to be the BEST client they’ve ever had. If your appointment is at 10am, show up at 9.45am. If they did a great job and you’re happy with the service, leave a generous tip. Always be respectful and enjoyable to be around.

Envision your MFC (Most Favorite Client type) and replicate that person when you are a customer yourself. Once you become a regular client of theirs, you can start building a relationship with them.

Start a conversation and ask questions like…

So, what is it like to market yourself in this area?” and, “Where do your clients come from?” etc.

Building the relationship first paves the way for you to land referrals for your own business. You could also offer to refer their services to any clients that come your way. Networking with local businesses is one of the best ways to get to know people in the area and develop a loyal client base.

2. Get Involved in your Community

Connect with people who can help put you in front of your ideal clients and get lashes on them! Broaden your horizons by building relationships with professionals from other industries. A great way to approach this is by offering an incentive.

For example, if you frequent a restaurant and the waitress appears to be interested in lashes, you could ask her if she and her fellow co-workers would be interested in a discount. You could offer the entire team a special rate, and in turn, maybe they could hand out your business cards to their customers. Or, if someone notices their lashes, would they be happy to refer you?

Growing your clientele and making friends in a new area are very similar. If you can get your lashes on key members of the community who are in front of a bunch of your ideal clients, it can go a long way toward building your customer base.

Here are a few extra suggestions of the types of people you could try and connect with:

  • Waitresses
  • The Pastor’s Wife
  • The Yoga Studio Staff
  • The nurse at the Paediatrician’s Office
  • Military Wives
  • The Starbucks Barista
  • Real Estate Agents Welcome Basket
  • Your Mom’s Bridge Group Annual Potluck
  • PTA
  • Restaurant Staff Promo

3. Put your Best Foot Forward with a Killer Website

I always tell members of The Lashpreneur Society that they absolutely need a website to start, build and grow their business. You’ve got to prioritize getting a killer website up and running so you can put your best digital foot forward.

A website will be the biggest ROI (return on investment) you’re going to get. We’re living in a digital age, and if you aren’t online, you don’t exist. If people are interested in your services and they’re thinking about getting their lashes done, they’re going to search for you online. If you don’t have a website, how will they ever find you?

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your social media efforts are going to waste if you don’t have a website to close the deal for you. So, get a website!

4. Run Facebook and Instagram Ads Promoting a Grand Opening

Spread the word about your grand opening by promoting it with a creative and engaging Facebook and Instagram ad campaign. The key to a successful social media ad campaign lies with how specific your targeting is. I suggest targeting people within a ten-year age range. Avoid targeting a wider age gap such as 18 to 65-year-olds, because that’s far too vague. Instead, keep it targeted (such as between the ages of 25 and 35).

Target potential customers within 10 to 20 miles of your business.

If your location is heavily populated, you could shorten the targeted distance to around five miles if that works for you. Remember to make sure that your image, text, and captions are relevant and connect with the type of client you are trying to target. Don’t throw up a random image of Kylie Jenner and target 55 to 65-year olds because they aren’t going to click on it!

You can also create a grand opening ad on Google too. You could try a Google ad for a shorter period to test the waters. Usually, it takes the algorithm a little longer to catch on and get your ad in front of the right type of audience. So, I suggest testing your ad by running it on a few different channels and use the results to determine the most effective route for you.

5. Online Reviews

Social proof in the form of positive reviews can do wonders for your business and can help you to build a loyal clientele. But when you’re just starting out, how do you go about getting more online reviews?

The best piece of advice I can give you is to just ask!

Anytime a client walks out with a smile on their face, ask them if they would leave an online review for your business. Whether it’s on Google, Facebook or Yelp, start accumulating positive reviews as early as possible.

Your online reviews will magnify your customer base. It’s as simple as that. You need to be in the habit of asking for reviews and don’t be shy. Of course, you can choose your moment. Don’t ask the people who are mad at the world and always have a cranky expression on their face. Ask the nice people.

Social proof goes a long way. So, make sure you encourage your clients (as few and far between as they are) to write you an online review so that the world can learn just how amazing you are!

When you’re starting from scratch with a clientele… know that the one thing you can’t change is time and sometimes marketing takes time. Just because you implement these five strategies tomorrow, doesn’t mean you’re going to be fully booked by this weekend! But I promise you, being intentional, strategic and showing up in your business every day will pay off in the long run!

Stick with it. Stay positive. Stay focused on you, and I have no doubt that in no time, you’ll be slaying lashes all day!

If you’re thinking about starting a lash business, or you are brand new to running a business, I have a FREE Prep and Planning Guide for those that are new to business ownership where I cover everything you need to do to get your business up and running.

We’re talking licenses, business name, start-up supply and equipment list plus, the 9 questions you need to ask yourself before starting a lash business and more!

To get this free guide, click here!

Have a good one!

Tara Walsh