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Want To Immediately Improve Your Marketing? Here’s How.

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Today we’re going to talk about how to get better at MARKETING.  I’m going to share with you how I approach marketing, how I got so good and how you can start to improve your marketing. Immediately.

What Is Good Marketing? 

What makes marketing effective? Where do you even begin? This is one of the first things we teach inside The Lashpreneur Society – and it’s really getting obsessed with understanding who your ideal type of client is.  

It’s understanding how to get somebody to purchase what you have to offer, because you provide a solution for a problem they have. The more intimately you can understand their PROBLEM and their DESIRED SOLUTION, and how what you offer gets them from their problem to their solution – the more EFFECTIVE your marketing can be.

WHO Are You Marketing To?

First things first: really start to understand your target market. Who are they? Do you have a client right now that’s like your most favorite person? Think of the person that makes you say, “I wish I had more clients like HER”!

How well do you really know her? How well do you know her pain points and her problems? What was it she was looking for to get solved that she turned to you for? 

What other solutions may she have tried or been looking into? I’m not just talking about other lash artists or service providers that do the same thing. For example, was she using strip lashes? Was she trying lash pro serums? 

There are  other ways and other opportunities for her to solve her problem that have nothing to do with the service you provide. So you want to understand what she’s tried that still isn’t getting her the desired results. 

The more you can have these conversations and study the clients that you currently have in your business, the better your marketing will be to get very specific in targeting MORE people who share that same pain point or problem. 

How Can You Serve?

The next step – once you have clarity on who your ideal type of client is and why she wants what you have to offer – is to focus on SERVING the client. Sometimes I get to this point where my marketing feels like it’s getting a little stale, or I’m just not inspired. I have a block where I just don’t feel like my marketing is even working. This happens a lot, especially if you rely heavily on social media, or even paid ads. 

Oftentimes, what we do a year from now may look very different because algorithms change and privacy policies from corporations and regulations get implemented. So we have to adapt and adjust our marketing strategy based on the marketing channels that we use. We always have to be adapting and refining our marketing. 

And for sure – for every business owner –  that can get really exhausting.

All of a sudden, you’re not getting the same results that you were six months ago, even though you’re doing the exact same things and you’re posting the same amount. It’s a totally normal experience and can be very frustrating. 

So how do you overcome this lack of inspiration when you’re burned out or just not motivated? Connect back with the clientele that you love to serve. 

Ask yourself: “How do I show up and serve these people? What are their needs?”. Maybe the way you serve them today is not the same way you were serving them a year ago, and that’s okay. Most of you got into the service based industry because you wanted to help someone, right? You want to make somebody feel good about themselves or feel beautiful. 

So next time you get your favorite client on your table, be intentional about asking her questions about why she loves the results that you get her or the experience that you provide. What makes her want to keep coming back to you?  Get that feedback of how you’re making a difference. 

When you are reminded of the impact that you create, it’s very motivating, and helps ease the burnout and the challenges and the changes that can happen. When what we’ve been doing for so long has to shift and pivot, it’ll get you back connecting to “How can I serve more? How can I serve better?”

When you come from a place of serving, selling becomes so much easier.

Once you become obsessed with the pain points and the problems that you help solve for your ideal type of clients and really connect back with them – it’s so much easier to market. It’s easy to market what you have to offer when you know it ACTUALLY HELPS PEOPLE. 

People get all scared about this idea of selling. It’s likely because they equate selling to trying to sell someone something they DON’T WANT OR NEED.

So you might feel kind of like a pushy car salesman, or one of those people who work the kiosks at the mall and try to sell you a cell phone. And yes, there are definitely sales tactics where people are just trying to get the dollar, just trying to get the sale because they have a commission they have to make. 

So selling can sometimes feel really threatening to somebody who really just wants to help people. 

If this is you, then change the words in your head from selling to serving. I did this and had my best month ever. We made more than double of what we’ve ever done before. All because I shifted my mindset to serving instead of being so desperate for selling and how I was going to convince enough people that my program was worth it. 

Thinking about who you can serve really helps to shift your perspective around marketing to be less about you and your face on Instagram or “do I look stupid or not” – and really focus on who can you connect with and who can you serve. 

How to Apply This To Your Marketing

My challenge for you is to really start being intentional about the marketing that you create from this point on.  I want you to write out a minimum of five reasons why someone would love to receive your lashes or whatever services you offer. Why would they want to come to you? 

And if you don’t know this, you can always ask your clients: “Why did you choose me? Why do you like the results of the experience that I offer?”.

Write down five reasons why someone wants to receive a service from you – or your business if  it’s more than just you. Once you’ve written out those five reasons, create bullet points underneath each reason. Then I want you to start brain dumping all the different ways that you can say that one reason. 

Let’s say that you focus on Natural Lash Health. That’s what your specialty is – that you don’t use extensions that are too heavy for the natural lash to support long term. So that’s one reason why somebody would pick you. 

You’ll put that as your first bullet point, then just write down WHY that’s important, why somebody would want to prioritize natural lash health, what you’re seeing out there that is not prioritizing natural lash health, etc. 

So your first reason could look something like this:

I Focus on Natural Lash Health.

  • Clients don’t have to take a break from getting extensions, because we’re not doing damage to the natural lashes that their lashes need to recover from. 
  • My results tend to be very natural looking and flatter the client’s natural beauty, not distract from it. 
  • Unlike a lot of lash artists in my area who do very dramatic and bold strip lash looks, I attract clients who don’t wear a lot of makeup, and prefer to enhance what they’ve got. 
  • My clients really like that their transformation means that they have less stuff they have to do in the morning for their makeup routine. So it actually saves them time, and they still look and feel beautiful. 

Now you have content! Each one of those statements can be a caption or the start of a blog post. It could be topics that you go over in an Instagram Reel. 

If you struggled to come up with five reasons why someone would choose you, marketing is going to be a STRUGGLE. Because if you can’t decide and figure out why somebody should choose you, how the heck are THEY supposed to know? 

If you’re struggling with that, your marketing is not going to be effective, and it’s going to be very watered down. Chances are, if your marketing is very watered down and it doesn’t really hit on any pain points of anybody, or it doesn’t offer a transformation or a solution – then the only thing that you’re gonna get constantly from your audience is how much do you charge? And are you the cheapest apple on the block when they’re comparing you to other apples? 

If you get a lot of people asking you if you offer deals or discounts, it is because you’re not communicating what makes you different from everybody else or why you’re worth what you charge. 

Marketing is a skill that you can absolutely learn.  It’s okay if it’s not natural to you now – the more you practice it, the better you’ll be over time. The better you get at marketing, the more money you’ll be able to make and the more control you’ll have over the growth of your business. 

In fact, I want to invite you to my free OVERLOOKED TO FULLY BOOKED Masterclass. In this class you will learn the 3 biggest mistakes everyone makes in business and why they’re costing you clients, and how successful businesses build a clientele consistently. 

I teach how to keep money in your business and in your pocket and how to create financial and time freedom to live the lifestyle you want as a business owner without endlessly competing on price and discounting. 

If you want to attend one of these free classes, go to to get registered for an upcoming class time and start to work through how to get BETTER at your marketing.