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What Does It Actually Look Like To Stop Trading YOUR Time for Money? Just Ask Momentum Mastermind Coach Victoria Parrish

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Does this sound familiar?

You’re trying to build out a team BUT:
Your business revenue is totally dependent on YOU generating sales from your clients so you’re still in the treatment room the majority of the week taking clients.

You find that you’re struggling with burnout and you don’t have balance with work because you have so many administrative responsibilities and managing the team tasks that have to get done AFTER you’ve taken a full load of clients for the day.

You find yourself struggling to afford to pay yourself a decent living at all, oftentimes because team members are paid such a high percentage of commission, that the business is actually losing money every time a team member takes a paying customer and the business owner has no idea this is happening cause they’ve never looked at what the business can afford to pay the team member.

You regularly contemplate “easier” business models like becoming an educator or having a product line because it’s just “not worth it” to have a team because you are STILL trading your time for money.

Before joining Momentum Mastermind, Victoria was stressed, overworked, and her health was suffering. Victoria is SEVERELY allergic to lash adhesive, but her business income was so dependent on HER taking clients in the treatment room (despite having hired an employee) that she could not see a way out.

Fast forward to 1 year later and she is fully out of the treatment room, has the capacity to “leave work at work” so when she goes home she can be present with her family, and because her business is so profitable – she even has enough funds left over from the business revenue to host fundraisers and charity events in her community (which is a dream come true for her)!

Oh and did I mention that she’s been able to take several trips with her family plus some much needed time off due to sickness – and her business still ran like a well oiled machine while she was away?

She is the true testament of what’s possible when you Stop Trading YOUR Time for Money and Start to ENJOY Growing Your Business without Growing Your Time In It!

Episode Highlights:

  •  How to strategically hire so you can weed out the people who are not aligned with your mission and core values.
  •  Systems and processes will allow you to take time off from your business (hello vacation!) – and the biz will still run like a well oiled machine while you’re away.
  •  How do processes get you to the freedom that most business owners want?
  •  Victoria’s advice to anyone thinking about joining Momentum Mastermind.

If you’ve already taken the incredibly challenging step of trying to build out a team – whether you’ve experienced massive success or not with that adventure – Momentum Mastermind is going to be incredibly helpful in the process of moving you into the true CEO/Visionary role.

Applications CLOSE on Monday, December 12th, 2022 – so even if you’re on the fence about it – go ahead and apply so we can jump on a call to talk through your business goals and challenges and see if the program would be a good fit!