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Your BS (Belief System) Is Robbing You Of Growth

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

I (LOVINGLY) want to call you out on your BS (belief system) that’s robbing you of growth!

Just because you don’t know how to do something – doesn’t mean you don’t do it! It means you have got to prioritize learning how to do it!

Don’t know how to market your business in a way that gets clients in the door – that would be a pretty important skill to learn, don’t ya think?

Don’t know what numbers or the financials that help make decisions in the business clear and simple – I would start with the basics of learning business finance and what a profit and loss statement is.

Don’t know how to hire a profit producing team member that wants to help you grow your business and produce the experience and results your fully booked clientele expects – it’s totally possible to learn how to do that and train your team member step by step on how you do it. It’s called an onboarding process!

If you want to learn how to start, build and grow your business – DM me #society and let’s chat about your biggest struggles in growing your business.

Ready to build out a team so you can get your time back – DM #hire and let’s walk thru the challenges you’re facing in team building!

Episode Highlights

  • Your head is the reason you’re not successful, not your lack of knowledge.
  • You have to learn how to do it first before you can teach it or delegate it to someone else.
  • What to do when you’re just starting out and can’t pay yourself.