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Your Business is NOT Your Baby – Identifying an Unhealthy Codependency with Your Business

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

I was on a coaching call with one of my Momentum Mastermind students the other day and she said something that struck me like a blaring siren of why she had been struggling so much to grow and scale her business.

She said “My business is my baby.”

Have you ever felt that way or said that? I know I used to.

I asked her to share what she meant by that and her response was that she put so much of her time, her energy, her money and herself into the business.

Through a series of follow up questions to understand the emotions attached to this declaration of “my business is my baby” we uncovered that there was a significant codependency on the results of her business.

What does codependency mean?

Codependency is an excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner – or in this case – a business.

So why is this an unhealthy dynamic to have with your business…

Well, your business is NOT your baby. Assigning an emotional level of love to a business that is similar to what you would feel for your child… means that you’re looking to your business to meet or fill emotional needs that are detrimental to the operations and stability of your business.

A business is meant to make money. More specifically, a business is meant to make profit (meaning there’s more money coming in than money being spent to keep the business running).

When we start to bring in emotional dependency and trying to get our emotional needs met by our business that often needs tough emotional decisions to be made for the sake of keeping the business open and growing – we cripple our business’ growth.

To test out if you have an unhealthy codependency on your business – let me ask you this. Do you feel differently about yourself depending on how successful or unsuccessful your business is?

I want to say that the overwhelming majority of us business owners absolutely have an unhealthy codependency on our business to meet our emotional needs to feel important, significant, loved, adored, special and when business is not going well – we don’t feel those things and this can wreak havoc on your ability to make decisions that help to grow your business.

In this week’s episode I share…

… the ways in which this unhealthy codependency shows up in beauty businesses

… what a healthy relationship with your business looks like

…and how to detach your feelings of worth from your business so you can make decisions based on the BUSINESS’S needs, not YOUR unmet needs.

Episode Highlights:

    •   Enforcing boundaries keeps the business sustainable
    •  – Establishing systems and processes is a win-win for you and for clients
    •  – Confrontations are uncomfortable but necessary
    •  – Don’t let codependency interfere with your business’s growth

Shoot me a DM on Instagram if you’ve experienced any of the struggles I shared in the episode – cause I can tell you sis – I am STILL doing this work myself!