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Your Relationship with Money Matters

Your Relationship with Money Matters

Posted inBuild

Do you have a healthy or unhealthy relationship with money?

If you have no idea how to answer that question, you’re in the right place.

Let me tell you a short story about a client (and good friend) of mine who shall remain nameless because hey, who doesn’t like a bit of mystery?

I’ve known her for almost two years, and we’ve had the same conversation for the entire time I’ve known her. When she first started, she told me that she wanted to double her earnings within 12 months. She smashed that goal and went from $150,000 to $300,000 so you’d naturally assume that she would be ecstatic about this, right?

Well, she wasn’t. Although she doubled her revenue as she wanted a year ago, she still had the same thoughts, feelings and did the same actions as before. Nothing will change about her perceived reality until she does.

Yes, it’s frustrating, but after sharing the same advice I’m about to share with you, I think I’ve finally gotten through to her (champagne, anyone?).

So, here’s how you can tell if you have a healthy or unhealthy relationship with money and what you can do to feel more empowered about your finances.

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}


1. Your thoughts are POWERFUL

Many people let their thoughts roam free and fail to realize that they CAN control them. I don’t mean meticulously controlling every random thought that pops into your head but rather control the thoughts that are not serving you for the better.

If you’re in financial trouble, you can become so married to the thought that this is your reality that you don’t do anything to change it. You get stuck in your perceived reality that you created in your head.

Money doesn’t determine your worth. The amount that you’re charging is completely up to you. If it’s less than someone else, ask yourself why? Why did you assign a dollar value lower than someone else? Did you somehow assign your worth against your competitors based on money?

If you want to know whether or not you have a healthy relationship with money, look at your bank account.

How do you feel when you see it?

If you feel empowered and secure, you probably have a healthy relationship with money. However, if you look at the amount in your account and feel an overwhelming sense of dread and even fear, your relationship with money could do with some metaphorical couples counseling.

How you feel about your bank account is a quick indicator of where your relationship with money is.

Whatever you do, don’t let money define your worth. Money doesn’t and shouldn’t have that kind of power, so don’t let it! If you think otherwise, you need to banish that belief you have around money.


2. What comes first, the belief or the results?


A lot of people assign an amount of money to success. They think that is they make $100,000, then they’ll be successful. Any less than that and it’s not worth thinking about.


However, even when they achieve that milestone, their mindset doesn’t change. They’ll have made the $100,000 only to realize that they actually need double or triple that amount to feel truly successful.


It’s like chasing the end of a rainbow…it’s never going to happen. Each time you think you’re getting closer, it jumps to the next field, town or city.


You’ll never reach that place where success lies because your self-sabotaging behavior won’t let you.


So, what comes first then? The belief or the results?


Do you believe you have enough right now? How you felt when you looked at your bank account will tell you that.


The problem is that the person who thought that making the $100,000 would be enough is the same person making the decisions that got you to where you’re at right now. If you’re not happy with where you are now, you need to change the thought-process and decision-making skills of that same person (a.k.a yourself).


Despite what you might think, you are not a victim to your circumstances.


You get to choose how your life goes and where you end up. The only way that you’ll ever feel successful in this life is by choosing to find proof of that success TODAY.


Take a look around and find evidence that your life is already incredible and abundant.


3. Intentional choices around money

So, now that you know that your current circumstances are in YOUR control, you can start making intentional choices to help change those circumstances.

YOU get to decide how your relationship with money and success unfolds.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that somebody else is to blame for your circumstances. If you want to live the life you’ve always dreamed of, start by creating actionable goals.

A good place to start is by taking a look at your previous expenses for the last year. What are the top 10 expenses?

Write them out on a piece of paper. Over the next week or so, I want you to return to that piece of paper and say, “I choose to spend $XXX on that.” The amount you choose is completely up to you. There is no right or wrong answer, just decisions that need to be made.

However, there are some rules I want you to follow. First of all, you can’t feel guilty about it. Secondly, you’re not going to torture yourself with feelings of shame or negativity. It’s hard, I know, but it’s so important to change the narrative around your finances so that you can see that each expense you have is within your control.

How much you choose to spend on each expense is YOUR choice. Writing your expenses out on a piece of paper and going through it one by one is a great way to see things clearer. You’ll know exactly what you’re spending your money on and how much you’re spending on each one.

It helps if you can find gratitude for each expense.

This will help change your mindset and perspective around money and spending it.

If your largest expense is rent, instead of cringing at the amount, think positive. Because you were able to pay rent, you get to have a roof over your head. Not everyone in the world has that luxury and it shouldn’t be taken for granted.

You get to pay a parking ticket on a car that takes you from home to work and to school to pick up your kids, etc.

You spent a lot of your income on lash training that in all honesty, didn’t do a damn thing. Instead of thinking about it as a giant waste of money, change that perspective to say, “I chose to spend that money on lash training because it’s important to me to invest in my education.”

Keep this up for a week and I promise that your perspective around your finances and your current circumstances will change.

If you’re powerful enough to change your perspective on these expenses, think of how powerful you can be when you’re INTENTIONAL about your spending.

You are in control of what you say, do and think!

So what will you choose? Will you continue to believe that you don’t or can’t make enough money? Or, will you practice beliefs that empower you and help bring you closer to becoming the future version of yourself that’s been waiting to break free?

The choice is yours.

Join the “Your Best Year Ever” Workshop!

If you want to have a killer lash business that allows you to have flexibility in your schedule and an abundance of wealth, you can have that. All you have to do is sign up for our FREE workshop – Your Best Year EVER!

This workshop starts on September 23rd and includes 4 video trainings created for lash artists, where you’ll learn:

  • The three ways to make more money in your business
  • Where to focus your attention to grow your business
  • The step by step path successful lashpreneurs take to go from overlooked to fully booked
  • The #1 way you can create the business of your dreams easier and faster

This workshop is totally FREE to join, and the videos will only be available for a limited time starting on September 23rd.

To get registered for this workshop – head over to

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur